

时间:2023-02-15 18:37:57 发言稿 我要投稿
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  my name is steven . i'm 10 years old, today my topic is my family .

  i have a happy family . there are three members:my father , my mother and me . my parents love mevery much .

  my mother is chinese teacher . she is very tall and thin . her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . my mother is very warm and friendly to others , but she is very strict with me . my father is a professional accountant . he works hard every day . he likes playing football . i usually play with him . we enjoy ourselves every time .

  my dream is to be a police officer when i grow up . everyboy , please cheer me on !

  thanks ! thanks you very much !


  Hello, dear judges! I'm **. Please look at my picure.

  In my picture, there are two lovely rabbits. They are my pets.

  Although a lot of people think that children should not have pets at home, because they're dirty,

  However, in my opinion, children should have some pets at home, because when children learn to take care of the pets, they also learn how to love others.

  In fact, I suggest every child have a pet at home and take care of it himself.

  Otherwise, they cannot learn to love other people and animal.

  Thank you!


  My future

  Good evening.Ladies and gentlemen!

  I am honour to stand here to deliver my speech .And my topic today is about future. As we all know, man?s life is a process of growing up, actually I?m standing here is a growth. If a person?s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that?s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

  When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in thefuture.

  How to say future? Maybe it?s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.

  We are on our way Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends! I am very glad to stand here and deliver a speech.

  20xx sees the joys and sorrows of China. The snow disaster ,the earthquake and the Olympics all happened in this particular year. We chinese had never suffered such disaters and held the Olympics for the first time. That was a big challenge for us. But the strong chinese nation would fight until he dropped! Just as the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Hard work paid off. The disasters has gone by and the Olympics has been a big hit throughout the world.

  Now I'm standing here to tell you that we're on our way to be great.No one can deny us the future.If winter has come,can spring be far behind?We stand on the land of snow,we hear the voice of hope!



  I have been in University for about one year. During my stay here, I came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. We experience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot.

  I am from Province, which is far away from here. I often miss my Mum, friends, and relatives in my hometown. However, I can't see them very often. So loneliness always keeps me company. I am sad that I can't be there with them.

  Lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful. With more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joining societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. Such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. The university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life.

  Our path in life will not always be smooth. Setbacks can't be avoided. Failing an important exam, break up with boy or girl friend, or refused by a promising company, such setbacks are likely to get us down. Sometimes we fell so frustrated that we even burst into tears.

  Drinkin coke is wonderful, despite the undesirble consequent hiccups. It's bitter, sour and peppery, but also sweet. And you'll even feel excited after gulping down a glass. A college experience is part of growing up. We cry, smile, fall in love, get hurt, leave, learn and then we become a better person.

  University life is like drinking coke. I'm experiencing it. And I know, I enjoy it!


  why you will fail [fel] to have a great career [k?r??(r)]你为什么不会成就伟业 中


  i want to discuss with you this morning why youre going to fail to have a great

  career. (laughter)

  今天上午我想和你们讨论一下, 你为什么不会成就伟业。(笑声)i know some of you have already decided you want a good career. youre going to

  fail(laughter). those trying to have good careers are going to fail, because, really,

  good jobs are now disappearing. there are great jobs and great careers, and then there

  are the high-workload, high-stress, bloodsucking[bl?ds?k??], soul-destroying

  [d??str??] kinds of jobs, and almost nothing in between.我知道你们有些人已经决定了, 你们想要一个成功的事业。 你们也会失败的-(笑声)

  -。(笑声)想事业有成的人会失败, 因为,真的,现在好工作都在消失。 有好工作,和好

  事业, 也有工作量大,压力大, 吸食血液,侵蚀灵魂的那种工作, 而且几乎没有工作能好

  点的。so the people looking for good jobs are going to fail. im going to talk about

  those looking for great jobs, great careers, and why youre going to, why youre going

  to fail. first reason is that no matter how many times people tell you, if you want

  a great career, you have to pursue [p?sju:] your passion [?p???n], you have to pursue

  your dreams, you have to pursue, the greatest fascination [?f?s??ne??n] in your life,

  you hear it again and again and then you decide not to do it. 所以想找好工作的人会失败。 我谈谈那些寻找伟业的人, 你们为什么要寻找,为什么

  会失败。 第一个原因是不管多少次别人告诉你, “如果你想成就伟业,你就必须追随你的

  热忱, 你必须追随你的梦想,你必须追随, 你人生中最大的吸引,“ 你听过这句话一遍又

  一遍,然后你决定, 不去这样做。 im not quite sure why you decide not to do it. youre

  too lazy to do it. its too hard. youre afraid if you look for your passion and dont

  find it, youll feel like youre an idiot [??di?t], so then you make excuses [?k?skjuz]

  about why youre not going to look for your passion. and they are excuses, boys and

  girls. were going to go through a whole long list, your creativity, and thinking of

  excuses not to do what you really need to do if you want to have a great career.我不太确定你为什么决定不去做。 你太懒了。这事太难。 你害怕如果你去寻找梦想然

  后找不到, 你会觉得你像个白痴,所以你给自己找借口, 为什么你不去追寻你的梦想。 这

  些都是借口,女士们先生们。 我们要列一个长单子,你的创造力, 想想你不去做成就伟业


  so, for example, one of your great excuses is, well, great careers are really

  and truly, for most people, just a matter of luck, so im going to stand around, im

  going to try to be lucky, and if im lucky, ill have a great career. if not, ill have

  a good career. but a good career is an impossibility, so thats not going to work.所以,举例来说,你众多借口之一是, “嗯,伟业实际上对于大多数人来说, 只是运

  气问题,所以我就在这待着, 我就试试做那个幸运的人,然后如果我真幸运的话, 我就能

  成就伟业。如果不能,我就找个还不错的事业。”, 但是没有还不错的事业,所以这个行不通。then, your other excuse is, yes, there are special people who pursue their

  passions, but they are talent. im not a talent. when i was five, i thought i was

  a talent, but my

  然后,你还有其他借口:“是的,有那些与众不同的人, 追寻自己的梦想,但是他们是

  天才。我不是天才。 我五岁的时候以为自己是天才, 但是我的教授们早就把这个念头, 打

  消了。或者“ 现在你看,如果这是在1950年, 完全有能力, 就能让你成就伟业。 但是你

  知道么?现在几乎是20xx年了。i have an interest! i have an interest! you tell me. i say, thats wonderful! and

  what, what are you trying to tell me? it is not passion. passion is your greatest

  love. passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your

  talent. passion, interest -- its not the same thing. are you really going to go to

  your partner and say, marry me! youre interesting. and if that, you will die alone.


  我有个兴趣!我有个兴趣!你告诉我。 “我说,”太好了!“ 你想告诉我什么呢?那不

  是热枕。热忱是你最高程度的热爱。 热忱是能帮助你最好地成就自己才华, 的事情。 热忱,

  兴趣-不是一回事。 你真的会去找你的甜心然后说, “嫁给我吧!你很有意思。“(笑声)

  不会发生的。不会发生,然后你会孤独终老。(笑声) what you want is passion. it is beyond

  interest. you need 20 interests, and then one of them, one of them might be passion.你想要的是热忱。它超越兴趣。 你需要20个兴趣,然后它们其中一个是你的热忱。 but

  then, there are some of you, in spite of all these excuses, you will find, you will

  find your passion, and youll still fail. 但是,你们当中有些人, 抛开这些借口,你们会找到, 你们会找到自己的热忱, 然后


  你会失败,因为, 因为你不会着手去做, 因为你会想出新的借口, 任何让你只说不做

  的借口,而且这个借口, 我已经听过很多次了。 “是的,我会追求一番伟业,但是相比成

  就, 我更看重人与人之间的关系。 我想做一个好朋友。我想做一个好伴侣。 我想做一个好

  父母,而且我不会为了, 伟大的成就而牺牲这些。” 你知道有一天会发生什么? 你的孩子有一天会跟你说, “我知道我想做什么。 我知道

  我想怎么度过一生。”, 你特别高兴。这种对话父母最爱听了, 而且你知道你会爱听你孩子

  接下来的话。 你孩子说,“我决定了, 我想做个魔术师。 我想在舞台上表演魔术。”, (笑


  and what do you say? umm ... thats risky, kid. might fail. cant make a lot of

  money at that. you know , you should think about that again , why not — 然后你说什么? 你说,你说, “嗯...那样比较不保险,孩子。 有可能会失败,孩子。

  挣不了大钱,孩子。 你知道的,我不知道,孩子, 你应该再想想,孩子,为什么不-“ and the kid interrupts you, and says, but it is my dream. it is my dream to do

  this. and what are you going to say? like this look kid. i had a dream once, too,

  but -- but. so how are you going to finish the sentence with your but? ... but i was

  afraid to pursue it. or, are you going to tell him this? i had a dream once, kid.

  but then you were born. (laughter) 然后你孩子打断你,说, ”但是那是我的梦想。我梦想就是成为魔术师。“ 然后你要说

  什么? 像这样”你看,孩子,我过去也有过梦想。但是-但是。“ 所以你想怎么用”但是“结

  束你的句子? ”...但是我没敢去追随。“ 还是,你想告诉他这个? ”我过去有梦想,孩子。

  但是之后你出生了。“(笑声)do you, do you really want to use your family, do you really ever want to look

  at your spouse and your kid and see your jailers [?d?e?l?(r)]? there was something

  you could

  have said to your kid when he or she said, i have a dream. you could have said,

  looked the kid in the face, and said, go for it, kid, just like i did. but you wont

  be able to say that because you didnt. so you cant. (laughter)你真的,真的想利用你的.家庭, 你真的想把你的伴侣, 和你的孩子当成狱卒吗? 你其

  实可以这么跟你孩子讲。 当他/她说“我有个梦想”的时候, 你可以说,面对你的孩子,

  说, “去追随它吧,孩子, 就像我那样。 但是你没法那么说, 因为你没去追随梦想。所以


  youre afraid to pursue your passion. youre afraid to look ridiculous

  [r??d?kj?l?s]. youre afraid to try. youre afraid you may fail. great friend, great

  spouse, great parent, great career. is that not a package? how can you be one without

  the other? but youre afraid. 你不敢去追求梦想。 你害怕自己看起来像个疯子。 你不敢

  去尝试。你害怕失败。 好朋友,好伴侣,好父母,伟业。 不是打包在一起的吗?你怎么能

  符合其中一个却不符合另一个? 但是你害怕。 and thats why youre not going to have a

  great career, unless -- unless, that most evocative [??vɑk?t?v] of all english words

  -- unless. but the unless word is also attached

  [??t?t?t] to that other, most terrifying [ter?fa??] phrase [fre?z], if only i

  had ... if only i had ... if you ever have that thought over and over again in your

  brain, it will hurt a lot. 这就是为什么你不会成就伟业,除非-, 除非,最引人回忆

  的词-, 除非。 但是除非这个词和另外一个, 最可怕的短语是连着的, ”如果我当初...

  “ ”如果我当初...“ 如果你曾经有过这个想法在你脑海里回旋, 它会特别伤人。so, those are the many reasons why you are going to fail to have a great career,

  unless ...

  所以,这些就是, 你为什么不能成就伟业, 的众多原因。 除非..., unless.


  thank you. (applause)


  1.today, my topic is about a tv series.

  2.its name is my chief, my regiment.

  3.the tv drama is based on the award-winning novel by lan xiaolong, which shares

  the same title.

  4.lan focuses on a less-well known part of chinese military history, during the war of resistance against japanese aggression in 1942.

  5.in that year, 100,000 strong soldiers were sent to myanmar to support british

  allied force operation.

  6.we call them chinese expeditionary force.

  7.one of their aims was to protect the yunnan-myanmar road.its also called burma


  8.the road was very important as it served as a war supply route tochina, after china’s ports fell under japanese.

  9.the chinese troops won several key battles, but later had to make a strategic


  10.of the 100,000 soldiers to fight, only around 40,000 returned home.

  12.my chief, my regiment is described as tough but with tender hearts.

  13.it would be easy to say that the drama is popular because of the action and

  fighting it includes, but this is only part of the story.

  15.it helps create an authentic atmosphere of that time and can serve as a memory

  and tribute to everyone who has died in war.

  17.if stars could only been seen at one night in thousands of years, men would

  believe in paradise.

  18.we never lose the hope, not only in a war time, but in a peace time.thats the


  19.at the end ,lets share a short film about it. (放短片)

  20.if you have a calm mind some time,you can saver the taste of the series,and

  will have a deep thought of yourself, the nation and country. thank you.篇三:英语演讲ppt范例 ladies and gentlemen. good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you

  a short speech. my topic today is global warming. at present, humans face a serious challenge. that is global warming. increasing

  global temperatures are causing a broad range of changes in the world. sea levels

  are rising due to the melting of land ice. as you can see, global warming is a very serious threat to our lives,so it is

  important to learn more about it. studies have shown that human activity of this century has increased the

  concentrations of atmospheric exraust, which in turn has elevated global surface

  temperatures by blocking the escape of thermal infrared radiation. natural climate

  variations are masking this temperature increase, but further additions of exraust

  during the next 65 years could double or even quadruple the present effects, causing

  the global average temperature to rise by at least 1 °c and possibly by more than

  5 °c. if the rise continues into the twenty-second century, the global average

  temperature may reach higher values than have occurred in the past 10 million years.however, assessment of ongoing and future climate change requires long-term

  global monitoring of aerosol properties. so there is a need and opportunity for global cooperation in technology

  development. only by doing so that we can better live in this planet. thank you!篇四:英语翻译ppt及演讲稿 good morning, everyone!(第一页ppt)i’m honored to be here to make a presentation about translation,

  together with my partners: 杨英坤 and 袁银梅. (第五页)after a brief introduction, let’s get back to our text book and focus

  on some details.today, we’re going to learn the following 8 units : i will introduce the first one and leave the rest to my partners.(第六页)the first unit is about word translation method,it includes 3 parts :

  choice of word extension of wordconversion of word.

  (第七页)firstly we can discuss choice of word the first point : according to the word category we can choose and determine the


  let`s see the following 2 examples, the first sentence: in general, the tests

  work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined .

  this sentence means一般来说,当所要测定的特征能够精确界定时,测试效果最佳 the predicate verb and tests is the subject so work should be translated into


  (第八页)the 2 sentence :in this sentence the definite article modifies work ,so work is noun considering piece together matches work,and work cant be together, we can

  define work as 工作成果

  (第九页)the second point :determine the word meaning based on the collocationenglish and chinese languages have their respective collocation relations . the

  same word for different idioms, expresses different ideas. so ,in english chinese

  translation, we should deal with english idioms or collocation by chinese

  collocation .,and then determine the correct translation for example this word hot .it

  has various meaning . but in particular collocation the word meaning is very clear(第十页)extension of wordwe directly analyze the following two examples the first example :elegant systems should be translated into 完美的体系,not 优

  雅的体系,this point belongs to “replace the word meaning” in a sentence some words

  from dictionary meaning can make the translation obscure, ambiguous, or even misleading .therefore we need logic context relationships to

  determine the word meaningthe second example:in this sentence offend means 排污超标 this point belongs to

  specify the word meaningaccording to chinese habit, the original meaning of the general and abstract words,

  express more clear and specific(第十一页)finally we analyze conversation of word。 the first point :nouns

  or prepositions are translated into verb there are 2 examples:the first: in this sentence application is noun ,but it should be translated into verb ,


  the second :

  the second point:adjective and verb are translated into nouns there are also 2 examples:the first :篇五:英语演讲ppt模板learning to speak english is an art ladies and gentlemen: i thank you for being here. i’m going to get straight to the point.all traditional learning methods are futile. most college graduates still can’t speak fluent english. this proves english students aren’t learning.



  good morning everyone, today is my turn to the speech. first of all, i would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good year. my english is not high, i wish i could within the next two years to learn english well. i hope you will be able to learn english after graduation to have a good future. finally, i wish the students and teachers a happy new year, further study and work. well! i finished the speech. thank you for listening。




  today i am very happy,because i can talk about with you.you see i ama lovely girl,yes!i like laughing,i like studying.that`s me-- zhuyingjie from badong shiyan primary school.i am eight. i am young but i know “we are the masters of nature.” we have only one earth. but now,the environment becomes worse and worse. as you know,there's no enough clean water for people. so many of them lose their lives because of water.if we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.

  my dear friend let us start from the trivial side,to be a good kid keeper.


  my favourite super star is jj , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . now let me tell you the story about jj .

  he enterde the music indestry at the year XX , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . he was noly hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soal , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived .

  i like a song of him , it's name is cries in a distance , the song tells us ,nothing is sad if we belive the hope . he has many difficulty , but his song says , cries in a distance , can't stop the tremble , i'm just waiting my turn , hiding will never , save me forever , the guns gonne get me for sure . dear god i pray why won't you be my friend , come to me and take my hand ,like mama would say everything will be ok.

  now he is not rather a shy singer and performer , the lyrical songs make him mature ,and now he is a man or not a boy .

  he is a real super star with many fans ,the improve mark a big step forward confident .

  4. i love english 我喜欢英语

  i love english

  my honorable teachers , my beloved schoolmates.good morning everyone,may i have your attention,please? i am glad to be able to give a lecture on this classroom. this once , i want to talk about english. my topic of conversation is that i love english.

  as everyone knows,english is very important today.it has been used everywhere in the world.it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.

  but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese...

  i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english.

  i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us.

  i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.

  if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.

  i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!

  thank you!

  5. 小学生英语演讲比赛稿:our school我的学校

  good morning, my dear teachers and friends! my name is li bingke, from class four o five. today, i am very happy to be here. my topic is “our school”.

  my dear friends, welcome to our school! my school is very beautiful! it has a big playground. we can play and do some sports there. near the playground, there is a garden. many trees and flowers are there. so the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. it is so wonderful. our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’ arms to welcome us. we can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. my classroom is on the third floor. it is clean and bright. we like to study in it. the computer room is on the fifth floor. we can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. what a lot of fun! we can have lunch in the canteen near defang teaching building.

  n our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. we study hard and listen to teachers carefully. after class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.

  our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. we all love them. dear friends, do you like them?

  that's all. thanks!

  早上好,我亲爱的老师和朋友们!我的名字是李bingke ,来自一流的四个 5 。今天,我很高兴到这里来。我的主题是“我们的学校” 。




  6. a forever friend小学英语演讲

  a forever friend

  sometimes in life you find a special friend

  someone who change you life just by being part of it someone who makes you laugh until you can not stop

  someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the word

  someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it

  this is forever friendship


  您找到一个特殊的朋友 谁改变了你的生活只是被部分

  有人谁让你哈哈大笑,直到你不能停止 有人谁使你相信真的有良好的文字

  有人谁说服你,真的是一个刚刚打开大门等着你 打开它



  Efforts toward the success of the process, at first glance, like a black tunnel, sight of the head, such as Middle School graduating class of students, there are endless day of work, on the go, feel not enough sleep, many people every day, the first cantilever cone piercing, to burn the midnight oil, a day in the two line between the hard work … … every day life is like a copier in print, everything is repeated.


  Do not forget, the sun is new!


  New, is a beautiful state of mind!


  The new sun, Is this not a hope?


  Every day see it, is like night and see the light of the black population, is it not a happiness?


  Yes, the weight of our heavy burden almost collapsed, too high expectations, we are firmly nailed to the ground, but perhaps the greatest burden is also a symbol of life enriched.


  Nietzsche said that people do not suffer the power of pessimism, so we do not have to smile toward victory, but the face of temporary difficulties, we have to smile, but also to heart smile.


  Indulge in the journey to success is to be truly buried go on, these days need to break the house in, calm down, only to maintain calm the mind like water state, to put the final sprint.


  We like that in the car, the destination, beautiful scenery along the way, it is tempting, but you better not to involve them too much energy, and make the eyes has been moving in the direction of the end, if the tolerance is not temporary living jumped out to enjoy the beauty, the car drove off, maybe you will see another vehicle, you might end up the same destination, but life is not your standard point moment.

  我们好比是在乘一辆车前往目的地,沿途的风光很美,很诱人,但是你最好不要为了他们牵扯太多的精力, 而要使目光一直朝着终点的方向看,如果忍不住跳下车去欣赏暂时的美景,这辆车就开走了,也许你会看到另一辆车,也许最后你同样到达目的地,但那也不是你人生准点的时刻了。

  In a particular stage of life has a special mission.


  Study stage, is to achieve goals in life, when an important step, if miss this opportunity, you will be repentant, so severely heart, leaving the pretty girls for the time being a waste of time, the clothes and dress up, boys put aside their attractive comic books and computer games, put off that a distant green apple Love it!


  Summer, fall, fruit is not Abstract.


  Picked and eaten, not sweet gesture, or until the harvesting season, so go enjoy the harvest of joy in it!


  Set aside what irrelevant thoughts and move forward, looked up days, with the heart to see the world, because the sun always new.


  Softly said to himself: If not me, the world will be less of a person appreciate the beautiful sun. Is such a state of mind, so you always wonderful for yourself!


  Spring, flowers, wind throw area; summer, flowers open, butterfly fluttering; autumn sky was clear and leaves as fire; winter, bleak, snowy, whether Hanlaishuwang, spring, summer autumn and winter, the sun rose as usual from … …


  No Better, I do not know who carried out normally enough, few people need to know how much effort to achieve the dream, we can only continue to move forward, forward, then forward, We are seizing the day is long!


  Seize the day, when you blankly; seize the day, when you depressed; seize the day, when you lazy, seize the day, at a time when you have a dream; the sun every day is new, Life is always full of hope, start now, take every moment, do not hesitate!



  Good morning everyone,today is my turn to the speech. Can Money BuyHappiness?Can money buy happiness? Different people have different think yes, while others hold the is true that with enough moneyone can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and ver, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is acommon view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drivesmany people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot bebought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody , money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on howit is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be astepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can makehappiness possible if it is employed sensibly.


  Year by year, the spring return to the earth again, it may be said"the prairie fire burn not to exert, the spring breeze blow and living", grass with it special stubborn, walk through the four ough it have no floriferous fragrance, take light nice and secluded;Although it don't have Gao Da4 of tree, seem to be so of insignificant, it be not small but shame, it optimism upward, creator green of vast one, it don't account repay useful green display whole of the earth.

  The lovely grass, I appreciate you, you are to use you of of offer, use you of time change oneself of new looks, also change people's viewpoint to ough sometimes blow to kiss in the bise bottom, you would be tinily low to fall a head, however you just trembled to fall the dust of body, face strongly, the Ao sign a ground of outstanding on the mud.

  You don't have too many Diao decoration and have no clamor of city and car bearer to of prosperous, but have ground smile to face a kid especially, face what you face each have life of person, passion life, life medium of people also love grass of smile, because have you in the life of open-minded state of mind and optimism of attitude, there is also bright and beautiful ough sometimes perhaps would be continuous to rain, brought the grass of light green excessive of bother, moist with accumulate water, total have sunlight of spring breeze doesn't smell soil, the grass had again thriving of source of vitality, grass at morning of the morning Lou once more let us suck to absorb and make our moods receive benefit to dulcify with joys quick.

  The grass of , love of offer, make nothing exciting of life become Chong Ying;Grass, the big-hearted state of mind relax, it didn't need to be cover up, is a contented fully enjoy body interest;Grass, because of love but the United States, it be some and a little more careless to love to tolerate, rational, but touched the person's in the mind.

  The burst of light breeze is blow and the children's joys voice joke awakenned my thoughts and awakely and the dim moonlight, originally the person's life not is also such as grass similar infinitesimal, but it use original of gentleness, affecting characteristic, like gaudiness of grass of flexible grain of life, give hope, grateful, taste, vitality, although sometimes very tired, own life of aureole happiness to end.



  Honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon! Today I would like to talk about the importance of keeping optimistic. When we encounter difficulties in life, we notice that some of us choose to bury their heads in the sand. Unfortunately, however, this attitude will do you no good, because if you will have no courage even to face them, how can you conquer them? Thus, be optimistic, ladies and gentlemen, as it can give you confidence and help you see yourself through the hard times, just as Winston Churchill once said, “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.”

  Ladies and Gentlemen, keeping optimistic, you will be able to realize, in spite of some hardship, there’s always hope waiting for you, which will lead you to the ultimate success. Historically as well as currently, there are too many optimists of this kind to enumerate. You see, Thomas Edison is optimistic; if not, the light of hope in his heart could not illuminate the whole world. Alfred Nobel is optimistic; if not, the explosives and the prestigious Nobel Prize would not have come into being. And Lance Armstrong is also optimistic; if not, the devil of cancer would have devoured his life and the world would not see a 5-time winner of the Tour De France.

  A rose may be beautiful, or maybe not; that depends on your attitude only, and so does success, so does life. Hindrances and difficulties do exist, but if you are optimistic, then they are only episodes on your long way to the throne of success; they are more bridges than obstacles! Now I prefer to end my speech with the great British poet Shelley’s lines: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Thank you!


  good evening, my fellow americans.

  tonight i want to talk to you on a subject of deep concern to all americansand to many people in all parts of the world, the war in vietnam.

  i believe that one of the reasons for the deep division about vietnam isthat many americans have lost confidence in what their government has told themabout our policy.

  the american people cannot and should not be asked to support a policywhich involves the overriding issues of war and peace unless they know the truthabout that ght, therefore, i would like to answer some of thequestions that i know are on the minds of many of you listening to andwhy did america get involved in vietnam in the first place?how has thisadministration changed the policy of the previous administration?what has reallyhappened in the negotiations in paris and the battlefront in vietnam?whatchoices do we have if we are to end the war?what are the prospects for peace?now let me begin by describing the situation i found when i was inaugurated onjan.

  20th: the war had been going on for four years.

  thirty-one thousand americans had been killed in action.

  the training program for the south vietnamese was behind schedule.

  five hundred forty-thousand americans were in vietnam with no plans toreduce the number.

  no progress had been made at the negotiations in paris and the unitedstates had not put forth a comprehensive peace war was causing deepdivision at home and criticism from many of our friend, as well as our enemies, view of these circumstances, there were some who urged withdrawal ofall american forces.

  from a political standpoint, this would have been a popular and easy courseto follow.

  after all, we became involved in the war while my predecessor was inoffice.

  i could blame the defeat, which would be the result of my action, on him --and come out as the peacemaker.

  some put it to me quite bluntly: this was the only way to avoid allowingjohnson’s war to become nixon’s i had a greater obligation than to thinkonly of the years of my administration, and of the next election.

  i had to think of the effect of my decision on the next generation, and onthe future of peace and freedom in america, and in the us allunderstand that the question before us is not whether some americans are forpeace and some americans are against peace.

  the question at issue is not whether johnson’s war becomes nixon’s war.

  thank you!


  knowledge collaboration and all-round education

  ladies and gentlemen,

  we engineering students take it for granted that technology is changing incredibly fast. we are thinking nervously and seriously whether our colleges are failing to provide a foundation in the skills currently needed in industry. take my major telecommunications for example. scientists say that 21st century is a biomedical time, not an electrical time. but without the help of electronic data processing and transformation, biomedical technology alone cannot go too far. funny enough, the word biomedical itself is just a combination of two disciplines. so the interdisciplinary exploitation serves as the critical part for our electric and electronics world as well as any other fields to find new way of being.

  but the power of knowledge collaboration is certainly not restricted to science and engineering; it is in the full community of learning. walking around campus i absorbed a reality that there is a seamless web between students from different professional backgrounds. the engineering students are discussing animatedly in a philosophy lecture, speaking passionately in the public speaking club, and looking for sparkling ideas from learning history and arts. how wonderful that is! that, ladies and gentleman, is just a significant step forward to be well-rounded because once we jump out of the circle we can see the bigger picture.

  my friends, i hope that you have already got what university is all about. please let me end my speech with the nobel prize winner li zhengdao’s words: “the realization of the perfect combination of science and engineering, science and arts, technology and humanity,is the greatest symbol of a university’s success.” thank you.

  I believe in our future

  Honorable Judges, fellow students:

  Good afternoon!

  Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

  The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.

  The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.

  As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. I believe in all my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. I believe in our future.


  The world in which we live is a very beautiful world. About seven-tenths of the earth is water while three-tenths is land.

  Water is “life food” of our earth.. It runs through mountains and valleys. It forms lakes and seas.

  At the mouths of the rivers,fresh water joins the salt water of the sea. Here at the mouth of a river, there is very important plant and animal life.

  What a beautiful day: The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. The land, oceans,mountains and rivers, plants and animals…everything looks bright and gay.

  The sun gives us light, keeps us warm and makes things grow.

  Sometimes,white clouds are like ships sailing across the sky.

  Sometimes, the dark clouds bring us rain or snow. Sometimes, after the rain, you can see a very beautiful rainbow across the sky.

  At night, we can seee thousands of stars and sometimes, the big round moon. The dark sky dotted with bright stars is like a picture! There is so much to see in our beautiful world.


  So many people underestimate the power and importance of a smile, that simple little facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth.

  A smile has many meanings: pleasure, friendliness, welcome, amusement, and many more; and it is part of a universal body language that doesn’t need any extra interpretation.

  Plus a smile, with all its simplcity and beauty, can be a very important factor in many aspects of our lives:

  You fall in love with a new country you visit because its people greet you with a welcoming smile everywhere you go; other countries you just don’t like even though they might have more history, nature, entertainment and whatnot because their people don’t seem so friendly or accepting.

  You feel like buying from a certain store when the vendor welcomes you in with a smile, sometimes even if you wouldn’t intially have bought anything; and in other stores, even though they have exactly what you need or better, you decide to walk away because the vendor doesn’t look welcoming at all.

  You want to give a waiter a good tip when he serves you with a smile, even if the food turns out not that good; on the other hand, sometimes you’ll have some of the best food ever, but you won’t feel like giving the waiter a tip, even if you do, because he was grumpy.

  More and more examples from our everyday life show how much a simple smile can change everything.

  Forever engraved in my mind will be the smiling faces of the people of Thailand, the friendly pizza delivery boy, the welcoming supermarket vendor, the nice cashier at the bank, …etc.

  It is these smiles that keep me wanting to go back, and that keep us all wanting to go back; looking at it from another view, if we break it down using business sense, a smile is one of the most effective means to generate sales and develop customer loyalty.

  On top of all that, a smile is a very simple and easy thing to do, so it amazes why no one bothers to do it, it not only makes the person in front of you better, but it also makes you feel better as well, and I’m not making this up, it has been psychologically proven.

  Personally, I’d like to see more smiling faces in this world; in the airports when I enter a new country, in companies, government agencies, restaurants, hotels, banks, everywhere; and I think it is up to governments to campaign about this, and even make it obligatory in certain important places like airports, hospitals, hotels…etc.

  Let’s all simply smile.















  There was a man who had seven sons, but he had no daughter, greatly though he longed for one. At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and, sure enough, when it was born it was a baby girl. There was great rejoicing, but the child was weak and puny, so weak that it had to be christened at once. The father told one of the boys to go quickly to the spring and fetch christening water; the other six ran along with him, and because each of them wanted to be the first to dip the jug into the well, it fell in and sank.

  So there they stood and didn't know what to do, and none of them dared go home. When they didn't come back their father got impatient and said:" I'll wager they've been playing some game again and forgotten all about it, the godless brats." He was afraid the little girl would have to die unbaptized, and in his rage he cried out:" I wish those boys would all turn into ravens." He'd scarcely spoken the words when he heard a whirring of wings in the air overhead, looked up and saw seven coal-black ravens flying away.










